
 We encourage you to join the club so that you may share in the many interests of other GSP fanciers.

Now Available: GSPCC Membership Application – fillable form online!  Please take a moment to complete the Online Application whether Renewing or a New Application for Membership.  This saves time and helps the Membership Co-Ordinator.

Payment can be made via e-transfer,  PayPal (below) or you can send a cheque to GSPCC Membership.The membership application is available in acrobat pdf please Download Form, print it and return the completed form via email or snail mail, along with your cheque, e-transfer, PayPal or money order. 

Renewal of Membership should be paid by January 31st in order to maintain your privileges as a member. voting and Breeder List.

The GSPCC Code of Ethics

You can download the Membership Application

or complete the Online Membership Application below.

Mailing Address:

GSPCC Membership

Maria Foster

52 East 9th Street

Hamilton, ON L9A 3M7

Please send completed membership application via email to the GSPCC Membership if you have paid via PayPal

Single membership $25.00 ~ Family membership $35.00 ~ Junior Membership $10.00

Yearly membership is from the 1st of January of a year to the 31st of December of the same year.

Besides helping to fund the Club’s organized events, your annual membership includes a copy of the club newsletter, GSPaws that will be delivered electronically (unless otherwise requested) to your email address.

GSPCC Membership
Names of family members: